The present web-site is basically intended to provide some notes and tutorials to the students who attend the courses of "Tecnica delle Costruzioni"
(devoted to RC, PC and Steel Member Design and Analysis of Framed Structures) within the BSc and MSc Courses in Civil Engineering at the University of Salerno, Italy. Consequently,
all the documents of this section are generally written in Italian and no English version will be available.
Notes from the lectures of the course on "Stability of Steel Structures" within the Master course in "Design of Steel Structures in Smart Cities" at the University of Naples "Federico II":
- year 2013.
Notes from the lectures of the course on "Stability of Steel Structures" within the Master course in "Design of Steel Structures" at the University of Naples "Federico II":
- year 2012;
- year 2011;
- year 2010;
- year 2009;
- year 2008;
- year 2007.